Monday, November 9, 2009

1986 Grandis Super Record

Over the summer i was fortunate enough to acquire a classic piece of cycling history from a very generouse customer of the Sea Sprite. A mint condition 1986 Grandis equipped with the romantic, traditional, but certainly not ultra, Campagnolo Super Record. What a hot bike. The construction is pure quality and detail, right down to the engraved headbadge and fork crown. Grandis was well known for not offering anything in their catalog but high end race machines. Bicycle technology has surely come a long way since 1986, but turning the 24 year old pedals, I could not help but feel how much faster this bicycle was compared to the Big Wheels I was hammering back in 86'. These pictures are from early September, but i figured I would post them, as it was a memorable ride aboard a piece of cycling history. Tradition...